i did it! i dont know how, but i dont care no mo! hahahaha
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
my dreams....
ARE SOO EFFING WEIRDDD....not weird in the sense of like me flying in outer space and aliens weird but like the shit that goes down in them...some of them piss me off...others make me sad...others i wake up and im like WTFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Dhishoom at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
stupid dentist....
so iono how many ppl noticed but my front tooth has been chipped since the end of last year and i FINALLY got it fixed this morning. so i had a normal tooth again. right after my dentist finishes the filling i ask her if i should not eat hard stuff or anything like that for a while and she says no everythings chill. so i dont think about it. then today at the variations concert im eating a candy cane and the MOFUGGIN FILLING JUST FLIES THE FUCKK OFF -__________-. so now my tooth is rechipped WONDERFUL....
in other news break has been alright...has had its ups and downs...mostly ups =). looking forward to more eastcoasters being home tomorrow and saturday YEE!!! and cal kids too yipeee
Posted by Dhishoom at 1:35 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
true. honesty. something that is lacking in many friendships or any kind of relationship for that matter.
recently a few of my friends and i have reached a new level of honesty and its wonderful. we may not agree on some things but we are honest about our opinions and there is no grudges or anything.
those of you know who you are and i thank you. =)
Posted by Dhishoom at 1:09 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
its 5am and its raining...
and i should sleep...but i dont wanna...i should study...but i dont wanna...i should get up at 9 am tomorrow, to go to music history study session...but i dont wanna...i should go to the library tomorrow all day to study for math...but i dont wanna...i should not have to take finals...but i have to...YAY!!!
Posted by Dhishoom at 4:55 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
1 little thing...
can make your day and 1 little thing can break it...
yay for both of them.
Posted by Dhishoom at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
my butt is frozen...
i wish i had the toilet seat that is in my house in cooptown:cuz its soo damn cold here and the toilet seat is FREEZING. lol. for those of you who havent had the privelage of using my awesome toilet in my housecooptown, it has a HEATED SEAT!!! YESSSS!!! that is all.
Posted by Dhishoom at 8:50 PM 3 comments
Panda Postulates...
found in my panda express fortune cookie from dinner.
thanks panda...
Posted by Dhishoom at 2:42 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
YESSSSSSSss....and memory thing from nate, shei, natalie
YESSSSSSSS NOTTTTT GOINNNNNGGGGG TO INDIIIIIIIAAAAAA OVER BREAKKKKKKKkk!!!!!!! mom said tickets were too expensive and they arent ready to move yet so they will try to move during summer. YAY!!
"post a memory of me as a comment for this entry.
it can be anything you want.
maybe your first, maybe your favorite.
& post this to your journal and see what people remember of you."
do it.
Posted by Dhishoom at 5:57 PM 5 comments
meh and music
have i done something wrong?...
...anyway here is a cover of american boy i spent 5 hrs on today instead of working.
Posted by Dhishoom at 2:58 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
i feel...
like a 3 year old who wishes for something totally ridiculous for christmas and actually believes that the wish will come true because santa clause is cool like that ... -_______________-.
well santa, i have some wishes that need granting. get on that shit. -_-
Posted by Dhishoom at 12:56 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
update on WTF...
So family is still moving to india. but my dads job may not be the same. he may not get all the funding he had hoped for so his engineering dept will be hired later or something like that. lol. so yeaahh...that is all.
Posted by Dhishoom at 3:45 PM 4 comments
so last night right after the perkalator left my house my dad comes up to me and is like, "so in 2 or 3 days ill find out if we are moving to india for sure." This was my reaction: ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!O_O?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
yes WTF. after being so sure about moving for so long now "wtf happened?" was the question i wanted answered. so apparently because of shitty economy and the new terror attacks that just happened in bombay cisco isnt sure if they wanna fund the enginieering portion of my dad's new project. This was told to him last night when the VP of asia/europe shit called him. 2 weeks before his whole family (aka us) was planning a special trip to india to look for houses to MOVE THERE!!! wonderful. so everything is like up in the air. still prbly gonna go to india over break whether or not my parents end up moving there. so potentially good news that ill be a cupertino resident for years to come =). but still like wtf.
thanksgiving post later when im back in davis...
Posted by Dhishoom at 8:19 AM 1 comments