So I havent really updated this in a while, probably because twitter is so damn convenient and I could see everyone's faces over break. SPEAKING OF WHICH, break was fucking EPIC!
after having an epic fail start to break, courtesy of 2 finals on the first saturday -_-, break got exponentially better by the day lol.
Saturday - didnt sleep thurs or friday before SO running on approx 5 hrs of sleep. took 2 finals (fuck math) then drove home with timmy badonkaf
ong and andy. on the ride home tim informs me that his house is empty for the night. WIN! so somehow we haphazardly got URRBODY to show up and get FUCKKED UP at tims. was amazing. =)
Sunday - woke up extrememly late in a fat cuddle puddle =). cleaned up. then me chery and tim proceeded to blast music and dance around li
ke idiots. was AWESOME!
after that dont even remember. i believe we at
tempted to ball. gave up pretty fast haha.
after sunday all the days were blurred together. SOO FUN! basically didnt sleep all break, but it was so worth it. highlights were. IM THE ISH dancing with chery a
nd tim around his house after the first saturday epicness. MOVE IF U WANNA CHOREO. cherbear's cupcakes =). highway 9. second kickback at tims. emily rose. donut wheel...too much stuff to even list.
i seriously love EVERYONE SOO MUCH hahaha. i dont understand how some ppl can not want to go home. i guess they dont have awesome homiez like we do =).
special shout out to the highway 9 crew. DaRyanz, timmy, rj, chery, shei...<3>
i have also decided that i am gonna start randomly calling up ppl haha. just to talk. i looked at my minutes online and i have a BAGILLION rollover minutes lulz. SO EXPECT CALLS FROM ME sometime, maybe, possibly, if i remember, haha.
now for this quarters goals. i epic failed last quarter in math -__- (actually its not certain that i epic failed cuz im pretty damn sure my prof fucked up my grade
on the final -_- but he wont let me come in to check till next week -____-). but ANYWAY...this quarter 4.0 BITCHEZ!
already starting off on a good note by actually going to
class =) lol.
my math prof this quarter has a FAT accent. some kind o
f european. he uses powerpoint though so its BORING AS FUCK. but watever, when was math ever interesting. i bet he built nukes for the russians or something cuz he keeps talking about physics equations and shit.
ECS 20, aka discrete mathematics for computer science. YAY FOR MORE MATH! actually its not really math its a logic class. but still we have to prove stu
ff. FAIL. prof seems nice but is boring. hint of a southern dr
awl. haha. its ok though there are other MVers in my class. conroy, eric chen, vivek ravisankar lol we can collabo.
ECS 50, aka machine oriented programming. the prof in t
his class is HECKA entertaining. not cuz she tries to be lol. this is a pic of her on her website:

yah so she has a semi middle-eastern accent. im guessing she's from turkey or something cuz of her name. but she adds a "sh" sound to every word that ends in an "r" sound. so hersh lectursh arsh quite entertaining. today someone answered a question and she said "GOOD ANSWERSH. but SPEAK LOUDERSH". andy and i cracked up lol. but this class will prbly be boring as demonstrated by conroy and vivek who are also in this class with me and andy haha:

to be honest id prbly never hang out with these guys cuz they are like uber gamerz and shit but watever they are entertaining hahaha.
then came the highlight of the day. TERRORISM AND WAR. the prof actually wasnt there today but he is supposed to hella good. but the TA lectured for like 10 min. he was super dry and sarcastically funny so it was good. and then we found out that we basically just watch movies and documentaries about various terrorist organizations and the wars theyve fought in and then at the end of the week we write a 25 words summary LOL. thats it 1 sentence. WIN! there is a midterm and a final but they are take home and then a term paper. HELLA BOMB CLASS! and its interesting. looking forward to it.
thats all for now. i really miss everyone already. already had applebees once since we came back LOL. 4.50 hot wingz FTW!
OH also about the song "Take Me There" i wrote a chorus and recorded it but i think it might be better as a bridge/breakdown. if u wanna help me with lyrics/music/melody/harmonizing/ANYTHING! let me know ill send it over. already recruited cherbear on the lyrics and kathy on helping me with harmonizing and chorus changing =).
ok until next post.
stealing the "songs of the moment" section from rj, but its more of a "songs from break that are carrying over to this moment" section =):
I'm The Shit (Remix Ft KANYE)
ALL THE ABOVE - Maino Ft Pain
Green Light (Afroganic remix) - John Legend Ft Andre 3k
CHILLIN - Wale ft Lady Gaga
Move If You Wanna - MIMS
Dat New New - KiD CuDi
The Sky Might Fall - KiD CuDi
Ghost In the Machine - B.o.B aka Bobby Ray
Be On You - Flo Rida ft Ne-Yo
Lark On My Go-Kart - Asher Roth
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