Good Will Hunting...damn good movie...
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
good day...
today was a good day...didnt do much. slept at 5am lol, woke up at 10am, went to lunch with chin chin, came home , slept again till 6. did a physics problem for a class im not in. started watching a movie. learned 2 new songs on the guitar. better together and banana pancakes.
Posted by Dhishoom at 9:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
"you were pretty good...cept that you're one-armed short of a def leppard cover group"

Posted by Dhishoom at 12:21 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
thats a product i will invent. and the tagline will be
Posted by Dhishoom at 2:35 AM 1 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
good day but not good mood...
today katherine and i visited daryanz and pdao for a few hours. twas fun! =). went to a vegan/veg burger joint o.O which was actually REALLLLLY good. we wanted to go hookahing but all the lounges were closed -_-. the drive in the chinsters car was awesome both ways =). her buggy is SICKK haha. good thing we got that aux cable right? good adventure.
sad that it was a really short trip. both chinster and i had to be back by like 4 -_-. but we will prbly go to watch the berkeley vs slug volleyball game on feb6th and stay a night or 2 =) should be fun!!
in other news i am not in a good mood. really shouldnt be cuz it was a good day...but watever
back in cow-town tomorrow
Posted by Dhishoom at 1:14 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
the hair vaccum...
so i just got a haircut at the davis barber shop...the guy there is HELLA nice. and once he was done cutting my hair i thought i was ready to leave and he would take off the little hair-keeping-offing thing but he instead turns around and turns on this vaccum and im like "wtf, im still sitting here and ur gonna start cleaning the floor!!" but NO! he puts the vaccum on my head and it has a shaving brush thing on the front so its like soft and he VACCUMS UP THE HAIR HE CUT OFF MY HEAD!!! THATS SICKKK cuz usually when i get my buzz cuts i have to shower and takes ages to get all the hair out hahaha. but his vaccum was hella effective and i dont have to shower no more. ok that is all
Posted by Dhishoom at 6:53 PM 1 comments
This weekend...
was effing boring. minus sunday. BUT there is lots of good news and im excited for this quarter...
so friday evening to night varun and i vegetated in front of the TV. watched a painful laker loss to orlando yet again...last minute loss to be precise...yet again...LAME. but thats ok still best record in the west thanks to crushing the cavs last night PUAHAHA. ok yah so friday was just chillin. then saturday went home got bored. nobody was free who was home (aka kathy and natalie) and arjun was in SF with his fambam. so i got epicly bored. but i did start a new beat which i really like and will hopefully turn out to be something that will make me rich...or not haha. OH saturday night actually was exciting for like 10 min. kathy had to drop something off at the library (i wont give details as to WHY she had to drop something off at the library at 10pm HAHAHA) and i decided to pick her up and take her there. remember that her house is not far from the library so she and i had a 5 min library adventure which was the best 5 minutes of the day hahaha.
then came sunday and my family went up to meet arjuns family for the day. we chilled. arjun had a migraine for most of afternoon so he was kinda out of it but we went to MOMA and that was kinda fun cuz my dad, arjuns dad, and i had hella fun making fun of shit there. then we went to the metreon to eat lunch. played some games at the playstation bar for like 10 min then we walked to union square. sat there. then ate dinner hecka early at an indian restaurant. it was weird cuz we were the only indians in this "fancy" indian restaurant cuz it was like 6 30 arjun and i bet that by the time we left from there the indians would have taken over. and we were right. every white person was replaced by an indian by the time we had left. twas funny. then my parents and arjuns parents decided that they wanted to party more so they left us kids at the hotel where arjun was staying at and he and i watched the end of pineapple express and the beginnning of tropic thunder with a food break in between to go to naan n curry lol. overall twas a good day...
yesterday was again boring...train ride home...watched laker game =). slept...
ok now to the good news. I AM GOING TO SOCAL in feb YIPEEE!! parents approved the trip.
then today i woke up and looked at my math grade and i got a 100% on my quiz yipee. thank u mr conlin but fuck 8 am math that i dont go to half the time.
that is all for now. going to dinner with varun tim and andy to figure out housing situation for next year. might go home and visit pdao and da ryanz with chinster and RJ so that should be fun if it works out...
ok bye
Posted by Dhishoom at 6:39 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
i am so epicly bored...
home is boring when nobody is least i get to go to SF tomorrow meeting up with rj's fam and andy's fam and varun and andy are gonna drive there from davis so should be fun. prbly be back in davis tomorrow night if i book my socal tix lol. if not then ill stay till monday to get those done haha its movie time =)
Posted by Dhishoom at 1:31 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
pride and glory...
is a good ass movie. i never feel sad or am super emotionally moved by movies but for some weird reason i was moved by this movie. although im positive that ive seen movies with this same plot/similar plots before. im not moved by sad love stories or anything and this movie didnt even focus on the love story but i couldnt help but feel sad for 2 of the characters' situations...weird...prbly was just cuz of the mood i was in but still...
i enjoy watching movies. im glad im not in the dorms so i am free to download new ones everyday (lol SUCKAS). i think i may take film studies class next quarter just so that i can watch movies for 3 hrs, 2 times a week and then write about them lol...
in other news. my scheduling situation got even more effed KINDA. i guess something good will come out of it but still im not happy. the good news is that i got into math 21B yay! but the bad news is now that i have 8 am class 3 times a week -______- aka the latest i can wake up is 8 am cuz i have 9 am class the other 2 days a week. this is gonna require some MAJOR sleep schedule modification. or just some major nappage. the other bad thing is that the professor is possibly the worst math professor ever. he lectures about shit thats completely unrelated to what he puts on the tests. so its like WTF!?!?!? oh well i will rely on what mr conlin taught me last year and hopefully pull out a good grade...
next paragraph...awesome transitions i know...last night i fixed my guitar for the first time since new years night when marc broke a string lol. i did not know how much i missed playing guitar. i learned 2 new songs last night thanks to skyping with mama shei. i kissed a girl and hot n cold. both CAN be sung with the same chords lol so i sometimes mix them up lol. YAY for generic melody lines that can fit multiple chord changes...
in regards to skyping. THANK GOD FOR IT! last night i had a nice long skype session with mama shei upwards of 4 hrs lol...we arent non stop talking for 4 hrs or anything but just having it on in the background is cool its like we are back home chillin if we feel like talking or need to say something we say something. meh that sounds stupid but yah i know what i mean in my head hahaha...PPL SKYPE ME MORE so we can have long distance hang out sessions!!!!
i am now getting lazy and sleepy so i will BLEH my thoughts out in fragments (not that the rest of my thoughts arent already fragments, these will be fragmented fragments)
snowboarding...i wanna go this weekend...i think i will...
voicemail...i got one from chery today cuz she recieved her "christmas" present. lol, it made me smile when i heard it...
SoCal...i wanna visit in feb...COME WITH ME!...still have to ask parents but they should be chill.
i also really like WATER!!! its tasty...That is how much i drank today lol...
i also REALLY like the song that has been playing in the background...ILL BE IN THE SKY...lyrics are good too listen to them
in other news i had a short tear fest today...i really dont know why...but yah...dane cook is right sometimes u just need a good cry lol...
and on that manly note i end this blogpost
Posted by Dhishoom at 1:22 AM 6 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
this weekend...
was epic fun!! i will put up pics and shit to relax and watch a movie
Posted by Dhishoom at 10:21 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
i had a late ass pass-time before break so i couldnt get into the classes i needed for my major so now i have only 1 class giving me credit to my major. EFF MY LIFE. i was hoping to have my calc series DONE by the end of this year but retarded. and BIO is full. and STATS is full. and i cant take any more comp sci courses right now cuz its a series. BLAHHHHHHHHHh. from trying to make my schedule fit around the classes i need and trying to get on and off of waitlists i have accumulated 32 billing hours -________-. and on top of that. i cant work on the registration system after midnight. i was in the middle of fixing my schedule and promptly at 12am it just logs me off. THANKS SISWEB. U ROCK!!!!
Posted by Dhishoom at 12:58 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
i like basketball...
today i woke up early to go to class...i have 9 am class EVERYday this quarter...wonderful...but its ok ill deal. on monday and wed im done with class at 10 so its all good and tues thurs im done at 3 so its really all good. ill be more productive. today for example. woke up at 8 showered in a cold shower cuz the water heater was being a biatch. ATE BREAKFAST!!!! i havent done that in AGES! then hitched a ride to ECS 40 with gurdev...went to class which was supposed to end at 10 20am but it ended at 9 40 so gurdev and i went to the ARC to lift some weights. unfortunately there was a weight training class going on so it was crowded so he and i decided to play ball instead we played 3 games of some intense half court for a total of about 45 min playing time, though we were ther for an hour and half. then i went back home showered went to "brown ppl studies" aka indian civilization with the richanator and andy. chilled with richa for the rest of the day then chilled with chinster then went to dinner with lots of peeps CUZ I HAVE A MEAL PLAN NOW!! yeee no more mooching. then andy gurdev and i decided we needed to play more ball. so we went at 10 and played non stop for 2 hrs. I LOVE LATE NIGHT BBALL!!! such a good cardio workout haha. now i am ready for sleep so taht i can go to math at 9 tomorrow yipeee!!
Posted by Dhishoom at 1:33 AM 1 comments
Sunday, January 4, 2009
so today my mom calls me my sister over to her laptop at around lunch time. both my sister and i run over and look at what she is pointing at and my mom goes "LOOK! this is a guy i dated before dad in college" and my sister goes "WOW! thank god...good job mom" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA my mom and i laughed for a good 5 min. that is all...
Posted by Dhishoom at 2:44 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
the beginning...
of 2009 was EPIC!!! BIG thanks to everyone who came =).
Posted by Dhishoom at 12:35 PM 2 comments