Sunday, October 12, 2008

how could you be so HEARTLESSS???...

Thanks to arjun this weekend got even better than it already was (check the song below haha)

This was one of THE BEST WEEKENDS EVER! =). I had soooo much fun (though I should have been studying =O) but whatever haha. Friday was great, I actually woke up to go to my music class and it was surprisingly not boring. We have now actually started learning about composers and history so its getting interesting. I do have a listening quiz in that class tomorrow where I'm supposed to be able to name the song and composer within 15 seconds of hearing the song (I have only listened to some of the required listening so far, so I have to do alot of listening today -____-). Then andy and I went to comp sci which was garbage again because he is still lecturing about stuff we already know -____-. Then both andy and I skipped our remaining classes because of lectures being about stuff we already know yet again lol. Then finally it was 5 o clock and time for kathy and natalie to show up. YES!!!! Unfortunately the bus to the train station had an odd schedule so me and katherine chin ended up just waiting on campus for hermes natalie and kathy to show up from the train station haha. Then we went over to my house and just basically ate and chilled for a while. Then it was getting kinda dark and cold outside so heremes and katherine were worried about how they would get home at night so I told them to take the bus home and that id bike to campus and they could pick up their bikes and i would bike with them all the way back to my house so that they could leave on their bikes once the bus stopped running. IT WAS SOOO EFFING COLD! HOLY SHIT like CRAZYY cold + WIND CHILL. FUCK THE WIND. It has been like that for 3 days now cold +windy not a good combo. So then varun and his friend nayan ended up joining in on the bike party back to my place so they came along and we just talked about random stuff like governement and policies in india and soo much other stuff it was HECKA random and fun hahaha. My roomie, who is 24, bought us some stuff from safeway lol. that was an interesting experience hahaha. we had an interesting skype session with neri lol. lets just say he wasnt thinking TOO clearly LOL. his costume was awesome hahahahaha. around midnight varun nayan katherine and hermes left to bike their butts home in the freezing weather and then me nat and kathy just chilled and eventually slept at around 2. but not me...-_____-. i had a horrible experience that night lol. i had had some coffee at around 9 and then between 10 and midnight i had 4 or so drinks so i was buzzed and tired. so i tried sleeping at 2 but was still buzzed so i was drifting in and out of sleep. then at 4 i awoke completely sober and WIDE AWAKE, prbly cuz of the coffee lol, and i ended up not sleeping till 6am. then i woke up at 8 50 cuz we were supposed to pick up june from the train station. uhhh yah that failed. we were hecka tired and we called hermes to ask if he could pick her up and luckily he did hahaha. we were then supposed to meet hermes june and kath chin for brunch at 11.

that also failed lol. we ended up getting to campus at around 2pm lol. ate lunch. chilled in hermes' dorm till the HOMECOMING FOOTBALL GAME!!!! which was INSANELY fun minus the freezing weather. WE KICKED BUTT 49-26 I think. first play of the game we got a SACK it was crazy then they couldnt convert in 4 so they were gonna punt AND WE BLOCKED THAT SHIT!!!!! twas GREAT. After the game all of us MVers went to hermes' dorm to chill and we ordered pizza and just ate and talked and had a good ol dandy time haha. then kathy nat june andy tim and i wanted to go to my place but there wasnt enough room in the car so tim and i had to call tipsy taxi LOL. so this bus shows up oustide hermes' dorm and it says tipsy taxi on the side and we find out that we are 2 dollars short in cash so we were like UMMM we'll pay u at the destination so then the driver had to hold my license whil0e i went to get some money from the house haha. the driver assumed we were asking for a ride TO a party lol cuz we were freshman and we were getting a ride off campus. but yah that wasnt true haha. then we just chilled for a quite a while the usual sitting, chatting, guitaring, singing, DANCING. YES DANCING. june's friend who is a junior here at davis is a CRAZYYYYY good popper like INSANELY good. so he demonstrated his skillz and told me and tim that he teaches class for free at the ARC on mondays and thursdays, so i now know what ill be doing on monday and thursday nights haha. he then took us to his friends house which is in the same complex that i live in where they always have really loud parties. in fact andy and i called the cops a couple of weeks ago because their party spilled out into the parking lot which is right outside our window and it was HELLA loud at like 4 30am. well i found out that they are ALL dancers and are all VERY nice hahaha. so yah could be fun. so yah it was kinda very awkward at the party cuz everyone was drinking so we just left and walked the 20 or so feet back to my place and did a bit more chillin haha. then slept. planned on getting up early to go to crepeville before their train. FAIL haha. we ended up waking up at like 10 am (50 min before their train was scheduled to leave). So yah woke up said our goodbyes and now im blogging yay.

nothing much more to say


things to look forward to:

things to not look forward to:
math midterm and comp sci midterm on friday -_______________________-


Natalie said...

aw yay i loved this weekend!

RJ said...

i was excited to read about your weekend in detail, but this shit is long fool.
haha jk. i already heard about it from you anyways.

<3< ftw

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