*insert thick autotune to ur voice when reading the title*
I LOVE AUTOTUNE. THE MOST FUN THING IN COLLEGE SO FAR. it keeps me not bored at home. i will have another autotune surprise for the homies hopefully today cuz i dont have any class hahaha. its gonna be GOOD =)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Posted by Dhishoom at 12:14 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
College and Knowledge.
Those two words rhyme. And that is prbly the only relationship i can find between those two words since ive been here hahahaha.
today i woke up at 8 30 for my 9 o clock music literature class and so i just put on some clothes and biked out the door to get there on time. I get there and my professor says, "How many of you did the 'homework' that was posted online?" and half the class or so raises their hands. Then she continues to say, "Okay...um....that was meant to be classwork, but if you have done it then you can turn it in and leave."
-____________________________-. I biked my ass 2 miles at 8 40 without taking a shower (which meant my skin wasnt feeling too well) just to find out that i didnt need to be in class LOL. I LOVE COLLEGE. so i came home and pu my pajamas back on and slept till 11 20. now im off to computer science, which hopefully be more worth my time haha.
Posted by Dhishoom at 11:36 AM 0 comments
College parties are so overrated
i fucking am already tired of partying. i only went out 3 times this week. i know that may seem like "wow 3 times, thats alot" specially for some1 like me haha. BUT compared to some ppl that ive met here its nothing. they partied all 7 nights. WTF.
last night i went to a party at SigEp, one of the frats close to cuarto. I went with some ppl i had met at orientation. Once i got in we went straight to the "line" for drinks, more like a mob of crazed teens trying to get free booze. I got myself a drink and made my way to the dance floor. i danced with a couple of girls (THEY SUCKED AT DANCING) and i got quite bored. after 2 more drinks i was not buzzed, not having fun, and NOT happy. I realized how much i missed having close connections with the people i know. Im not against partying or drinking or smoking or anything, but id rather do that with ppl i know well who i can just chill with. I really dont find the thought of going out and getting completely shitfaced and then dancing with random ppl to try and hook up with them very appealing. so after getting completely bored out of my mind at this party i started feeling depressed and decided that i wanted to leave. luckily i met richa and a group of her friends who were pretty chill so i left with them. they really wanted to head over to another party but i really wasnt down with that. so i met up with ishan and darian and went and smoked hookah outside their dorm. after a while richa came by and we all just talked about random stuff and THAT was actually fun. just chillin.
again it really doesnt help that im not living in the dorms but i just dont think i will find anyone who is willing to make a lasting friendship. of course im prbly saying this just cuz im not in a good mood but i really did, and still kind of do, feel that way. Tim, and katherine told me stories today that really didnt boost my confidence in this whole new college friendships deal either. UGH.
so yah after feeling like crap all night last night i got to chill with katherine at lunch and we were just talking and remembering home and then we walked over to richas and just sat around chatting for almost 3 hours. it was nice. afterwards tim came over and he and i biked katherine over to the library then he and i went and played NFL BLITZ at his dorm haha. came home. ate some food. did some hw. and then watched arrested development for pretty much the rest of day.
i was pleasantly interrupted by mama shei on tokbox and she was telling me about how she felt as well and it turns out we were both feeling exactly the same way for the exactly the same reason. so yah. then arjun joined our chat and so did kevin and we had fun making fun of him =P. later p dao and phat nat also joined and we were all acting pretty dumb as we do when we are all around eachother haha. talked to chery, rj, crystal after that which was also fun. I REALLY WANNA VISIT THEM, GOD.
i am going home next weekend to say bye to my grandparents so ill get to chill with some MVers and arjun which will be awesome.
other than that nothing new.
oh no wait went to the womens volleyball game which was epicly fun cept we lost =( even though we won the first to sets UGH. oh well. kinda sad that i may miss the first home football game cuz ill be at home but meh, as michael bluth always says "family first" lol (everyone should watch "arrested development" on hulu.com i JUSt finished all 3 seasons today. now i know why kathy wrote FOX a letter when they cancelled that show hehe).
ps i love all my friends soo much i though about everyone SOO much last night haha. cant wait to see some of you in the next couple of weeks and the rest of you during thanksgiving =)
Posted by Dhishoom at 12:38 AM 4 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
First Real day of class...and musical fun =)
Today was my first day of actual class. here is a rundown of what i think about each of them.
1. Music 10: Introduction to Music Literature.
"There is only one word to describe [this class]: fuckingeasy." -- Arjun RJ Mahesh.
2. Engineering Computer Science 30:
Doesn't look too bad. Prof seems chill (has a super thick asian accent but he is funny). His first name is Shyhtsun and everytime I see his name I wanna yell "SHIT SON!" in a very black voice hahaha. Class shouldn't be too hard considering I have taken 2 years of programming already. YAY!
3. Calculus 21A:
HOLY MOTHER EFF this shit looks hard. I walked in a couple minutes late because the damn lecture hall doesnt have a sign saying its the "SOCIAL SCIENCES" building ANYWHERE. But when I walked in the proffessor was talking about spores and exponential functions. He gets sidetracked very easily so it may not be a good thing for me cuz i rely on the lectures to learn cuz i dont do much studying on my own -____-. UGH. OH WELL we will see what comes out of this one.
In other news, instead of partying it up tonight I decided to stay home and clean up. My parents are cmoing to visit tomorrow cuz they are dropping my grandparents off about 45 minutes from here. SO I have to make the house look good cuz ive been telling my mom all week that everything is neat and clean and all that crap haha. So after doing some minimal clean up I started messing with an AutoTune program that i found online. After recording and rerecording multiple kanye and tpain songs for about 2 hours i decided to sit down and do something productive. SO i decided to make a lollipop acoustic cover haha. But this wasnt an ordinary cover. i decided to make it a tribute to some of my closest friends (rj, kev, cherbear, crystal. we call ourselves the complicated crew cuz of how complicated we always make things haha). So i started writing verses to the tune of lollipop for each person and this ended up taking 4 and a half hours hahaha. Writing, recording, re recording, editing, producing, autotuning. MAN this was hard,BUT INSANELY fun haha. I am VERY happy with the final result. though there are some timing issues here and there but thats what happens when there is no click track and i have to use 2 laptops simultaneously (one for recording and one on SUPER low volume so i can kinda keep my place in the song). Ill try and post it if i can figure out how to get embed a song in this post lol. if u REALLY wanna hear it OR u want a verse done about you let me know =). I HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD and writing these verses about my friends is SOOO FUN!!!!
till next time
Posted by Dhishoom at 12:43 AM 3 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
yay SF
i also love my new layout. =D
that is all.
<3 SF and the bay area
Posted by Dhishoom at 12:15 AM 0 comments
i love the idiot box...
so i basically was bored all day as explained in the previous post. UNTIL 6pm thats when it was time for me to vegetate in front of the TV for 5 hours. IT WAS AWESOME. at 5 45pm i started packing up my crap in my room for my camp-out in front of the TV. yes i did pack stuff up. here is a list of what i took
1. Laptop
2. laptop charger.
3. gatorade.
4. ipod cable
5. ipod
6. phone
7. phone headset.
8. guitar
9. tuner
this was all i needed to be content for the next 5 hours hahaha. so i went downstairs and made myself a chicken curry sandwich <3.>
throughout this football game i constantly IMed, updated my ipod, listened to music, played guitar, talked to andy, and talked to HP tech support YET AGAIN -____-. it was great. multitasking is AWESOME, but only when u can multitask with multiple things that you ENJOY doing (minus talking to HP tech support).
Then at 9pm came the moment i had been waiting for ALL summer. THE OFFICE SEASON PREMIERE. HECK YES. i am sad to say that i will not get to talk my other office homies about the episode in its entireity yet cuz i was on the phone with HP for most of the episode -_-. I did however see the important parts and i will most definitely watch the whole thing tomorrow online =). till then please dont tell me all the jokes hahaha. I WILL BE BACK ON TRACK TOMORROW kthx.
overall despite the boring start i feel that this day was GOOD.
yay for berk kids coming up here in 2 weeks!!!!!! =)))
Posted by Dhishoom at 12:04 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
This made me smile hahaha

I really dont know how i came up with all that crap off the top of my head but i found it funny.
I like talking to da emmerz hehe.
and so passes another day with no classes lol. in fact i was sooo bored today just sitting at home. that i did ALL my laundry, cleaned my bathroom, talked to HP support and Circuit City 6 times in order to get a new laptop cuz Vista 64-bit is not compatible with my music software lol, AND i did some of my calc hw that i found online even though i havent had class yet LOLOL win...
I also had a nice vid chat with cherbear and mamashei that was fun even though we didnt say much lolol. I WANNA GO VISIT THEM. thats all for now. looking forward to the USC game in an hour and then THE OFFICE. HECK YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
im planning to tokbox/skype the office lovers during the premier so BE PREPARED. muahaha
till after tonights TV goodness.
Posted by Dhishoom at 5:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
today was interesting. basically spent the whole day at home. met the new roomie, jason from hong kong. seems nice, though he doesnt speak much english. I realized that i need to fix my sleeping schedule. i had gone to sleep last night pretty early planning on getting up at 9 30am. at 9 30 am my alarm went off and i promptly turned it off and went back to sleep only to be awoken by my phone ringing. it was the mother. wonderful. i woke up and attempted to sound like i had been awake for a while haha. then i just chilled at home some more. oh yes the downstairs tv is now connected just in time for the USC game on thurs and THE OFFICE YESSSsss.
today i realized that i have spent alot of money and that the real world is DAMN EXPENSIVE ugh. i need to start budgeting right away.
so at around 9pm i biked over to jasons and we decided we wanted to hit up some parties. this was pretty fail until about 11pm. we found vineet ishan and darian and friends along the way. looking for a party after 11 is SOOO hard. every party we heard was poppin we'd get to and they were either shut down right before we got there or were in the process of getting rolled lol. so our luck was pretty bad. FINALLY we found a house party and were able to get in. got a bit buzzed. on the way out from that party i pretended i was drunk and yall should have seen tims face twas HECKA funny. i love tim. haha
other first time i had drank in a WHILE. like more than 9 months. wasnt too bad. i was able to bike my butt the 2 miles home without a hitch. partying is cool and all but not that fun. i did meet some cool sober ppl at these parties though which was surprising YAY. and yay for self control and knowing that i needed to bike home and not bingeing cuz im not stupid
Posted by Dhishoom at 2:18 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
i feel an empty sort of feeling in all of the new "friendships" i have made so far. i havent met anyone yet who i feel that i will be able to become very good friends with. hopefully ill meet some1 i can relate too well in the near future. as cherbear so eloquently put it "IM TIRED OF BEING FAKE". yes that is how i feel as well. i feel a fake sort of friendship with the new ppl that i meet...
so today after failing to go the gym. i finally got my butt out of the house with andy at like 12 30. we went to walmart with katherine and bought some neccesary shit for our aparemtment. i spent 97 dollars NOT COOL. didnt know how expensive house crap really is. but it was all neccessary freals. shower curtain, shampoo, conditioner, bike tool, bike light etc.
afterwards we stopped at sonic. and for the first time in my life i had one of their famous blasts. in fact this was my first trip to sonic ever. it was decent slight over priced but whatever.
when we arrived home i was listening to music with katherine and decided to pull my guitar out. in the middle of playing live high i hit a chord by mistake but it turned out to be a chord from "keep ya head up" by tyga. WHICH IS AN AMAZING SONG btw. so i then had her sit and listen to the song with me for about 45 min till i was able to figure out the whole thing haha. poor katherine. then she and i took a bus back onto campus and then walked to her dorm where i met up with jt tim and hermes (yes us mv'ers are very good at branching out =P). we sat around for a while then decided to walk over to pick up our textbooks. we arrived late and i couldnt get them...fail. haha. so then jason decided that he wanted to get his bike from his brothers house which happens to be 2 miles away and right next door to my apartment complex lol. so he and i took the bus there and then biked our asses back onto campus. -___-.
we then came onto campus and watched some of the football game with some of katherines floor mates and richa for a bit =). here is where i felt fake yet again. i did meet some1 who seemed very nice and genuine. frank, i believe, he is from the bay area as well. he invited us to a christian fellowship bbq tomorrow hopefully i can spend more time with him haha.
after an uneventful dinner in the DC (which was my first DC meal since orientation) we walked over to the fall welcome rally. after watching the Davis Aggie marching BAND-UH! (yes they are called the BAND-UH! dont ask why cuz i dont know) i felt sad cuz it reminded me of MV marching band and all the good times i had during freshmen year. but after realizing that there was a bunch of free stuff being given away my mood brightened up haha. so after yelling "FREE STUFF" and "GIMME THAT" for a while tim jason and i left (oh yes jt made a very impressive randy moss style frisbee catch which was thrown into the crowd haha). we decided to bike over to in n out which is 3 blocks from my apartment. on the way due to a misunderstanding we attempted to take a shortcut which jasons bro had told us about. thus began our bike adventure lol.
so we start biking towards the freeway and some how end up going over a small wooden bridge over a pond/creek thing that smelled like crap and had ducks in it. we ended up at the mondavi center which is WAY far away from where we needed to be and we had to back track ALL the way back to the MU to get to downtown davis lol. so a 15 min bike trip turned into nearly an hour. it was fun though. weather was nice and tim jason and i threw loving insults at eachothers stupidity for most of the way haha.
arriving at in n out we just sat and ate. discussing whether or not we wanted to party tonight. i definitely didnt. after my horrendous sleep last night. so i decided to come home.
came home to an empty house. and sat at the comp. skyped chery (who i miss SOOO MUCH) talked with my brother rj haha. edited live your life for his prayer next week or something. played "keep ya head up" on the guitar for a while. and now i have decided to sleep. i have lots of crap to do tomorrow. ugh.
ps SHOUT OUT TO KATHY HU WHO USED HER PERFECT PITCH to help me with the chords for keep ya head up via email and youtube haha. love ya. COME VISIT ME SOON kthx
pps looking forward to davis block party tomorrow then going to some frat parties lol.
Posted by Dhishoom at 1:04 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
OH COLLEGE! U silly little thing...
tried to sleep at 3 am...fail
stayed up reading to distract from my skin itchiness till 5 30am...fail
realizing that i would have to wake up in an hourish to go workout with tim andy and jason...fail
texting andy at 6 am saying im not going cuz my skin was feeling bad (even though his room is 10 ft away from mine lol)...fail
getting a text from tim at 9am saying "WHERE ARE U GUYS"...fail
texting him back saying we arent coming...fail
sleeping in till 11:00 am just cuz u are in college...PRICELESS
Posted by Dhishoom at 11:31 AM 0 comments
the dynamo of volition
Yes the title is the same as that AWESOME song by jason mraz, but it also applies to my life.
Today i moved into my apartment in davis (2120 Cowell Blvd Apt 134 Davis, CA 95618, for those of you thinking of sending me shizz haha) overall it was pretty fun. For once i plan to be organized and clean lol. its pretty necessary now so that my skin dont get effed up while im out here all by my lonesome haha. so the day started off nicely we packed all the crap into WOWZMOM and then me andy and arjun got to have an awesome ride up to davis. best drive up to davis ever, cuz we had dj rj picking sick ass music off the ipod and we had good laughs at T.I.'s TOTALLY awesome and COMPLETELY relevant monologues at the end of his songs off Paper Trail (which still comes out on sept 30th and ppl should buy kthx) as well as some good laughs at the indelible awesomeness of mr WEEZY F BABY (MAGERFADA im ill =) )haha.
when we got here my whole fam plus andys whole fam helped us unload and we all just kinda chilled in the apartment while i put my desk together with my dad and andy's dad. it made me feel good to have both of our families just chillin in the house. after putting my desk together we all went out to lunch at like 4 30 pm to el mariachi. pretty uneventful...until the end when it was time to say goodbye. said bye to andy's parents first then my parents then my grandparents then of course Rj. at first i didnt feel nervous or scared but once they had actually sat in the car and andy and i were walking to our car i felt weird. i also realized that i didnt get to say bye to my sister at all. no hug or anything. i regret that =(. but ill call her tomorrow. she made me this awesome goodbye card that i also forgot on the dining table. ill pick it up when i go home in a few weeks.
so after saying bye i came home and immediately started organizing crap and setting up my room which was weird cuz ive never been motivated to be clean haha. but after a good 3 hours of hard labor i had unpacked everything and put it in its place. FEELS GOOD TO BE ORGANIZED...
i might try it more often. i might take a pic of my room every week to see how it digresses into a complete pigsty lol. but we'll see.
then andy and i just chilled listened to music really loud on my stereo =). then it was time to meet hermes tim and jason for dinner. we went to crepeville where i just ate the NUTELLA CREPE. NUTELLA IS THE SHIZZ. sooo good. that is all i had. haha no dinner crepe. just a dessert crepe hehe.
afterwards we all came back to my apartment and i gave hermes some AMAZING music for him to attract new friends to his dorm hahhaha. dont worry hermdawg this music will make u famous =P. after chillin at home with them i decided to bike over to their dorms to chill and meet new peeps. so i biked my butt over there while they got a ride with andy so that i could bike back later. i really like davis campus and it seems alot smaller than i originally thought it to be maybe cuz im on a bike now. so from the ARC me hermes and tim biked to tercero where i met a couple of guys i met at orientation they were heading over to a party at SigEp so tim and i decided to tag along. we got there and they were just playing beerpong. i met up with a slightly inebriated friend from orientation haha. he was chill though and still remembered me hahaha. so after excercising my dynamo of voliton and not drinking tim and i left to go to his dorm which was very close. went there chilled met his roomies played some guitar. introduced them to acoustic hip hop via whatever you like and lollipop hahaha. then biked the freezing 2 miles home. overall GOOD DAY. cept one of my speakers is broken now -______-. so i have to send it in luckily its still under warranty.
here is actually a funny little excerpt from the limited warranty explanation on sony.com hahaa "This warranty does not cover cosmetic damage or damage due to acts of God, accident, misuse, abuse, negligence..." LOL acts of GOD hahahahaha LOL. i really wanted to put that as the reason for my speaker breaking but they were one step ahead of me. haha
that is all
i guess i like it here haha
ps. i will be running my dynamo of volition on a daily basis so i hope it runs smoothly.
pps. im also REALLY looking forward to my berkbuds visiting in a few weeks (or so they say haha). also GOING TO BERK ON NOV 2nd for JASON MRAZ yayyyyyyyyyyy.
ppps. i also still like my pink and black AIM combo from like 8th grade...WIN.
Posted by Dhishoom at 2:19 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Disappear like POOF
wow its just hitting me now...
...everyone is gone.
im the last one to leave.
I dont think i noticed how much id miss people until this friday.
Friday was a weird day to say the least. Crystal left...im glad that complicated was able to get together at her house to lovingly bicker, argue, and make fun of each other for the last time (until thanksgiving at least). I feel like i didnt really get to be very involved in this hangout cuz arjuns dad had assigned me and andy a project and we were presenting that night UGH. also i had to talk to HP tech support for the 5th time in 3 days cuz they sent me a faulty laptop stupid bitches. i really regret not being able to devote my full attention to my homies during that period of time. i did however have a really weird conversation with the guy from HP support. he told me he was from india and i was like "NO SHIT i can tell by the way you speak" and he could tell that i was indian because of my name. he continued to waste a good 5 minutes of my time trying to find out where in india i was from. he refused to tell me what i actually wanted to know until i had answered all of his damn questions. in the end i ended up saying "OK i was born in america, my parents were born in india. thank you" and then told him to hurry up. by this time kevin chery crystal and arjun had made the cupcakes we were making and were decorating them (not really decorating more like putting craploads of chery's delicious frosting on them then devouring them). then we went upstairs to look at chery and crystals pics. this was kinda weird cuz they made me realize that having physical pics in your hand makes them so much more...iono...important. all these pics are on facebook and yet when i saw them on the floor and both chery and crystal wrote notes on the ones they were giving to me i was like, WOW, i wish i had done that
then finally it came time for me to leave...i didnt want to...but that damn presentation i had to do forced me to. it was weird. ive never said bye to crystal and not expected to see her the next day haha. but yah i wish i could have spent more time there.
then today after staying up till 4 am webcamming and such i woke up at 6 am to pick up arjun and tim and go say bye to chery. after our shirt making adventure from the night before me tim arjun kevin and katherine decided that we'd all get our shirts drawn on by eachother.
prbly one of the most fun mornings ive ever had. we drew everything from bowls of macaroni to a jesus with dreads (btw katherine is a really good cartoonist). all of these meant something special in one way or another. my shirt has lil wayne on the back and a quote of his mashed together with a joke that chery kevin and i have "MAGERFATHA IM ILL" hahahaha i actually did not notice the quote that chery so subtly added to the back of the shirt till i had reached home and looked at the back in the mirror. i giggled to myself when i saw this.
so by the time we had finished our shirts we were all pretty exhausted from lack of sleep but none of us really wanted to leave till chery had gotten in her car and we were able to say our last goodbyes.
Saying bye to chery today was sooo hard cuz all of the past goodbyes were finally dawning on me and i realized that she was the last person to leave who isnt going to davis. i was very happy though once we had said goodbye and gotten in the car we all recieved a text from chery saying thank u and love u guys and all that. tim arjun and i stopped talking to reply personally. at that point i looked in the rear view mirror and saw arjun smiling in the back while he replied and i looked over to tim who was also smiling while replying to this text. it made me feel a little better i felt a sense of companionship and closeness with all my friends and i really feel that i trully realized how special each and every one of my friends are.
so after dropping rj and tim home i took a "nap" till 1pm or so and was abruptly woken up by some good news. my dad told me that i could return my laptop and get a new one instead of having to send my laptop in and then waiting 2 weeks for it to get fixed. so after a 2 hr excursion to costco i returned my laptop and decided where i would get my new one. and then finally when i came home i started PACKING MY SHIT. holy crap i had been putting off any kind of organizing and packing assuming that i had it all under control and that i didnt have that much stuff to do. BOY WAS I WRONG. after 4 hrs of throwing crap haphazardly into my car i think i finally have all my stuff packed. i wouldnt really call this packing though i really feel bad for all u guys who had to actually pack ur stuff in suitcases and shit. i was lucky i just threw everything into my car haha. it was still a pain in the butt.
after packing it was 11 30 pm or so and i started setting up my new laptop. and in the middle of this i get a chat from kevin on my desktop saying "GET ON TOKBOX NOW" and i was like HOLD UP im setting up my laptop which has the webcam so i cant yet. then kevin says "OMG HURRY UP" and i assumed it would just be me him chery and maybe arjun online but when i finally got into the video chatroom there were like 10 ppl there it was AMAZING jason dami marc crystal kevin chery arjun natalie hermes kathy and me. it was SOO awesome i had fun just seeing everyone again. and everyone acting like themselves it was spectacular. chery drew a smiley on her toe and was holding it up to the camera and kathy was talking about taking pictures of our feet and doing the wave. jason was talking about football. marc was playing guitar for his new floormates and we could hear him (a girl on his floor name zoey is a big jason mraz fan and i heard her singing "lucky" she was really good). i had a good laugh when natalie signed onto the chat cuz she looked so overwhelmed by the amount of people hahaha. it was a good end to a sad and stressful 2 days. i am now actually going to college. HELL YES. i still regret not being in dorms. but i will crash my homefrys' dorms often.
Posted by Dhishoom at 1:11 AM 1 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
dead and gone?
OOHHHH ive been travelin on this road tooo long...
tryin to find my way back home...
the old me is DEAD AND GONEE
PLEASE BUY PAPER TRAIL by T.I. on sept 30th.
i dont really know if those lyrics pertain to me at all but its a DAMN good song. i realize that everyone says its better to make new friends in college and all that shit but i feel like i dont wanna make new friends. is that weird?? i feel SOOO comfortable with my current friends that it scares me when i think about having to make new ones. there are only a few people who i would trust to let me be myself around them. i realized this after davis orientation where i met a bunch of new people and hung out with a new crew. it was very weird i acted COMPLETELY different then i normally would. i pretended to be more gangster than i actually am. no that is not a joke. i found myself talking different and everything. it was cool that they all were looking up to me as a "music guru" but it felt like i was being fake. IMMA MISS EVERYONE IN COLLEGE GOD DAMN!!!!!
thank god for webcams though. i could prbly just leave my webcam on all day cuz i can see myself sitting in my room missing everyone and hoping theyd talk to me lol.
i now regret not being in dorms. CRAP. oh well tim jason katherine hermes and richa better be cool with me being in their dorms ALOT haha
ok NOW i think im going to sleep
i dont wanna say bye to chery tomorrow UGH
-- Mager
Posted by Dhishoom at 3:28 AM 2 comments
so i now have a blog...
i never actually thought id get one of these. its weird. ive never been a fan of writing. period. actually no i take that back. i used to enjoy writing but i would write stories and my teachers would always give us a page limit on our stories and i would never be able to fit anything into the confines of 3 pages. my stories were to twisty and windy and random to be able to fit into 3 tiny pages...
oh well.
so my dad has actually been after my life for me to start one of these. no actually 2 of these. he says write one for the family and one for my friends. for i think 2 months ive completely ignored him and also been annoyed at him for being so persistent. but after noticing that i have been reading my friends' blogs i realized that i i should actually try it. funny how you never listen to your parents about things like this haha OH WELL.
So these last couple of weeks have been amazing...actually no...this WHOLE SUMMER has been amazing. i absolutely LOVED chilling with everyone EVERY night haha. i made some new friends and got closer to some real G's ;). IM SO EXCITED FOR DAVIS TOO!!!! and im really glad that ill have some close friends going with me YAY!!!
i will write more when im less tired. i think this is good for a first blog lol. pls ignore all the grammatical errors. im not a writer.
Posted by Dhishoom at 3:09 AM 0 comments