i did it! i dont know how, but i dont care no mo! hahahaha
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
my dreams....
ARE SOO EFFING WEIRDDD....not weird in the sense of like me flying in outer space and aliens weird but like the shit that goes down in them...some of them piss me off...others make me sad...others i wake up and im like WTFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Dhishoom at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
stupid dentist....
so iono how many ppl noticed but my front tooth has been chipped since the end of last year and i FINALLY got it fixed this morning. so i had a normal tooth again. right after my dentist finishes the filling i ask her if i should not eat hard stuff or anything like that for a while and she says no everythings chill. so i dont think about it. then today at the variations concert im eating a candy cane and the MOFUGGIN FILLING JUST FLIES THE FUCKK OFF -__________-. so now my tooth is rechipped WONDERFUL....
in other news break has been alright...has had its ups and downs...mostly ups =). looking forward to more eastcoasters being home tomorrow and saturday YEE!!! and cal kids too yipeee
Posted by Dhishoom at 1:35 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
true. honesty. something that is lacking in many friendships or any kind of relationship for that matter.
recently a few of my friends and i have reached a new level of honesty and its wonderful. we may not agree on some things but we are honest about our opinions and there is no grudges or anything.
those of you know who you are and i thank you. =)
Posted by Dhishoom at 1:09 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
its 5am and its raining...
and i should sleep...but i dont wanna...i should study...but i dont wanna...i should get up at 9 am tomorrow, to go to music history study session...but i dont wanna...i should go to the library tomorrow all day to study for math...but i dont wanna...i should not have to take finals...but i have to...YAY!!!
Posted by Dhishoom at 4:55 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
1 little thing...
can make your day and 1 little thing can break it...
yay for both of them.
Posted by Dhishoom at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
my butt is frozen...
i wish i had the toilet seat that is in my house in cooptown:cuz its soo damn cold here and the toilet seat is FREEZING. lol. for those of you who havent had the privelage of using my awesome toilet in my housecooptown, it has a HEATED SEAT!!! YESSSS!!! that is all.
Posted by Dhishoom at 8:50 PM 3 comments
Panda Postulates...
found in my panda express fortune cookie from dinner.
thanks panda...
Posted by Dhishoom at 2:42 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
YESSSSSSSss....and memory thing from nate, shei, natalie
YESSSSSSSS NOTTTTT GOINNNNNGGGGG TO INDIIIIIIIAAAAAA OVER BREAKKKKKKKkk!!!!!!! mom said tickets were too expensive and they arent ready to move yet so they will try to move during summer. YAY!!
"post a memory of me as a comment for this entry.
it can be anything you want.
maybe your first, maybe your favorite.
& post this to your journal and see what people remember of you."
do it.
Posted by Dhishoom at 5:57 PM 5 comments
meh and music
have i done something wrong?...
...anyway here is a cover of american boy i spent 5 hrs on today instead of working.
Posted by Dhishoom at 2:58 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
i feel...
like a 3 year old who wishes for something totally ridiculous for christmas and actually believes that the wish will come true because santa clause is cool like that ... -_______________-.
well santa, i have some wishes that need granting. get on that shit. -_-
Posted by Dhishoom at 12:56 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
update on WTF...
So family is still moving to india. but my dads job may not be the same. he may not get all the funding he had hoped for so his engineering dept will be hired later or something like that. lol. so yeaahh...that is all.
Posted by Dhishoom at 3:45 PM 4 comments
so last night right after the perkalator left my house my dad comes up to me and is like, "so in 2 or 3 days ill find out if we are moving to india for sure." This was my reaction: ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!O_O?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
yes WTF. after being so sure about moving for so long now "wtf happened?" was the question i wanted answered. so apparently because of shitty economy and the new terror attacks that just happened in bombay cisco isnt sure if they wanna fund the enginieering portion of my dad's new project. This was told to him last night when the VP of asia/europe shit called him. 2 weeks before his whole family (aka us) was planning a special trip to india to look for houses to MOVE THERE!!! wonderful. so everything is like up in the air. still prbly gonna go to india over break whether or not my parents end up moving there. so potentially good news that ill be a cupertino resident for years to come =). but still like wtf.
thanksgiving post later when im back in davis...
Posted by Dhishoom at 8:19 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
i wish...
i could take the leap...
into the unknown...
would me let me?
would i land safely?
would it be the same on the other side?
or will it collapse?
Posted by Dhishoom at 3:20 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
its late and i am making music -__-...
so this week has been insanely chill...havent done SHIT...except go to some classes...which is new lol =P.
the song playing in the background will be discussed later on in this post. PLS READ AND HELP!! lol.
since monday, andy and i have been really pissed cuz comcast decided to cut our cable off COMPLETELY cuz they claim that we shouldnt get local channels unless we pay for it -_______-. SOOO he and i have been watching movies lol. over the weekend i watched the dark knight again then i watched shawshank redemption which is HELLA good. then since tuesday night andy and i watched one movie from the lord of the rings trilogy. we finished the third one tonight. he and i have a epic project ahead of us involving those movies. hopefully that will happen. it will take ALOT of work but the end product should be pretty funny =). yah basically he and i have been goofing off alot cuz we are both done with work so its been fun.
side note: LAKERS ARE 9-1 YEE!!!!! (thank god for justin.tv where i can watch every laker game online. i also cannot believe that just spent the time changing the colors of those letters lol)
ive also been spending quite a bit of time with my music thanks to alot of freetime. i have made/edited/remastered/partially completed a good 5 or 6 beats in the last week. today right before i went out to dinner i made my own version of a millie sampling "get ur freak on" by missy elliot. this turned out to actually work though i dont know wat id do with that beat cuz i dont rap hahaha. i had an idea for a HECKA good beat but unfortunately i am not able to record stuff from my piano cuz i do not have the right software right now. arjun has my cd so i will get it from him on TUESDAY NIGHT yEE!! then today after the movie at around 1:30am i was again messing around with a beat and i found my old song "Way Away" i had made this beat AGES ago. i had also meant to write lyrics for it and sing it but i always felt that the beat was incomplete/some of the instruments didnt fit. so i started messing around with it again. i took out my old chorus. put in arjuns orchestra melody that he had made for it a while ago (THANK U RJ that shit is hella nice). and then i remastered ALL of the sounds and instruments with new effects and stuff that i found in fruity. and lastly i FINALLY found an instrument to use for my chorus chords. i had been looking for a synth for SOO long. i had sent this beat to some of you a long time ago and many of u had told me that the synth in the chorus didnt fit the style of the song. so i FINALLY found one that works YAY!!!! here is the final version. i need to write lyrics/come up with a new name. any suggestions? id be open to someone writing me lyrics too lolol. i wanna try and finish this with singing and urrthang over thanksgiving so GIMME IDEAS =).
UPDATE: so i ended up sleeping at 7am cuz i started editing the song again and editing my A Millie type of song haha ill put that up too now:
ok thankies
5 and a half days till home!!!! YESSS!!!!
Posted by Dhishoom at 4:03 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Music Is the Heart of my Soul...
Today is an AWESOME day for music and it has the potential to get even better.
here are the leaks so far:
1. 808s & HEARTBREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!! kanye delivers an AMAZING album. FRICKEN EPIC!!!
2. THEATER OF THE MIND!!!!!!!!!! luda delivers a straight up Hip-Hop album. going back to the REAL hip hop. sampled beats and everything. the production on this thing is CRAZYY. every song is good! best song is DEFINITELY LAST OF A DYING BREED ft WEEZY!!!
3. HOT REVOLVER by Weezy even thought there are insanely annoying DJ drops on this thing weezy's new style is SOO damn catchy!! as arjun stated earlier it fits into EVERY style of music we listen to. rock, rap, hip hop, pop, guitar, reggae...the list goes on. i cant wait for "The Drought is Over pt. 6" to drop. its supposed to drop today still =).
4. PROSPEKT's MARCH - Coldplay's new EP featuring songs that were unfinished at teh time of Viva La Vida plus some remixes. best of which is Lost+ ft. Jay-Z.
AND now for the stuff that SHOULD come out today to make it EVEN better:
KEVIN RUDOLF IN THE CITY how this guy got signed to Young Money Ent. i dont know. but whoever found him is FUCKING AWESOME. this album comes out on tues but leak should be out soon.
weezy's new mixtape The drought is over pt 6 which should have some CRAZY shit lined up on it. RED MAGIC. maybe no dj of Hot Revolver.
im happy
and ready to go home!!
Posted by Dhishoom at 10:44 PM 2 comments
so today was a pretty good day and also a weird day. i woke early aka 10 am to write a paper for my freshmen seminar. it was due at 3pm and i started at 10am pretty much lol YAY. then i came home made some music goofed off for a while then wrote a program for CS which is always fun. in the middle of writing this program which i thought i had to turn in by midnight. i get an email from my professor saying that he was hit by a car while he was riding his bike so the hw isnt due today O_O. so yah that was kinda a relief cuz i didnt have to finish the program by midnight haha. THEN later i found out i got a 105% on my ecs midterm aka i got everything right YEE. then i looked and the grades for the quarter are up and i have the highest grade YEE!!! so yah that made me happy. but then i saw my math grade. and its potentially not bad but my professor wont tell us the curve until the end of the quarter so i have a 75% in the class overall which is WAY higher than the class average so i should be ok with a solid B which is FINE BY ME. but i dont like not knowing -_____-. other than that im done till thanksgiving freals now that all my hw is done for this quarter pretty much YAY!!
just a quick update,
CANT WAIT TO GO HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
richa and i will be taking the train on tuesday night so thatll be 2 and a half hours of fun =). then wed i plan on visiting school/some family time till the evening when URRBODY COMES HOME YEE!!!
then thurs all day chill. then thanksgiving dinner with the usual families wherever that is happening. then FRIDAY PARTY!!! and no plans for saturday and sunday yet hahaha.
ok now im done
Posted by Dhishoom at 2:44 AM 1 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
some vids from mraz concert...
I AM SOO BORED...I CANT WAIT TO GO HOME and see EVERYONE. I wish i could just go home now and then come back after thanksgiving cuz im done with midterms and everything not even a hw assignment due this next week. mah. oh well. here are some videos i took of the mraz concert facebook video uploader is being a BITCH so i just youtubed it. OH i had some tasty taiwan noodle shizz with herm-dawg just now which was tasty ill ask him what it is called later. ok here are the videos:
The Remedy/Wonderwall.
You and I Both/Sleeping to Dream medley
Live High.
Lucky ft. Lisa Hannigan
Geek in The Pink.
Dynamo Of Volition + Intro.
Posted by Dhishoom at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
If it Killls me to a Royal Chalice to guhNOO deBAHger
OK so there is HELLA shit id like to talk about in this blog post but i am currently short on time and short on energy to stay awake and write a REALLY long blogpost. SO. i will talk about stuff that happened very briefly...
These last 3 or so weeks have been AMAZING minus halloween:
1)got to visit the berk kids for a WHOLE WEEKEND! =).
-basically chilled with kathy all of saturday evening and then met up with urrbody on sunday morn.
-played hella jason mraz songs with kathy to get psyched for the concert. not that we already werent haha
-met up with nat, june, kath chin, richa, emmy, and her friend yvonne (which is a french ass name if u didnt already know)
-was a little sad after hearing some songs -_-.
-had an awesome dinner with urrbody.
-went home.
2) SAW JASON MRAZ AND TOCA IN DAVIS DURING THE DAY AND THAT NIGHT (aka 2 jason mraz concerts in 24 hrs)
-kath chin and i decided that we really wanted to see the show in davis cuz it was a smaller venue and would ahve been better.
-i spent all night and half of the day looking for tickets for this sold out show in davis and ended up getting a good deal.
-SAW TOCA IN THE M.U. during lunch. he was just chillin. i took a pic with him and talked to him for 5 min about my djembe and DnS hahaha.
-Called richa up and she and i stalked freeborn hall where mr a-z was rehearsing. we heard them rehearse geek and no stopping us.
-waited in line in the rain for an hour and a half to get in.
-watched a more personal toned down show of epic proportions. toca faceplanted in the middle of the show which was pretty damn funny.
-it was kinda worth it cuz toca remembered my name from the afternoon AND signed my shirt. HE IS THE SHIT!!!
-got a group hug from an EXTREMELY drunk jason mraz. he finished a whole jack daniel's by himself lol.
3) this weekend PDAO and mr IKEDA and ARJUN visited!!! =)
-got REALLY drunk on friday night. but had an AWESOME TIME hahaha.
-woke up early to drop off RJ at the train station.
-ryan katherine and i couldnt sleep so ryan treated us to IHOP YEE!!
-attempted to get the two slugs into the football game but that failed. so we went super cupertino status and went to get PMT from old tea house lolol.
-came home and kicked it at our place some more till like 3 am again. (including a 16 min oscar/grammy award winning rendition of our 08 crew's favorite songs done in an indian accent by me LOLOL. video should be uploaded by pdao in the near future =) ).
-saturday night wasnt that great i wasnt in a good mood. and some shit went down that shouldnt have. tried to stop it but couldnt cuz it had gone too far. -_-. put me in a shitty mood.
-woke up and had IHOP for lunch before ryan and pdao left.
-finished writing an essay.
-skyped with chery and mama shei for an hour or so. then with crystal for a good 6 hrs while we both finished our work/goofed around till 3 am. made me homesick, among other things -____-.
4) A GOOD yet BUSY WEEK this week
-so far i have finished a paper.
-studied for ECS (guhNOO deBAHger!!)
-OWNED the ECS midterm...
left to do for this week:
-study for math midterm.
-OWN the math midterm.
then on friday arjuns cousin aditya is coming up from berk. may party it up this weekend cuz IM FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
till thanksgiving. i prbly wont do ANYTHING productive till after thanksgiving cuz im just lazy like that. i expect to be playing alot of guitar and now that my hand is not completely busted i will start practicing drums again. YAY!!
i know this isnt a real blogpost. but yah. itll do for now. i havent really thought of anything profound lately lol soo yah....
till next time.
Posted by Dhishoom at 12:31 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
i love college lol...
wtf this is the vaguest assignment in the history of ever lol:
oh wait no. number 5 is VERY specific lol.
i love freshman seminars.
also got 100% on my music listening quiz and 98 on the 7page mothereffing long ass assignment i did lol. i cant believe ppl are actually failing that class.
in other news YEE LAKER GAME TODAY!!! they gonna pummel the Clips just like they did Trail Blazers last night. YIPEE!!!!
Posted by Dhishoom at 7:00 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
some pics and full explanation of my hole-e-ness
so yesterday was quite an interesting day. started out normal. woke up WAY late because i dont have class till 3 on tuesdays haha win. showered. went to the most boring freshman seminar ever created. came home. played some call of duty on andy's xbox. then left for my math discussion. got my midterm back. and did alright 84% yay (with the curve) yipee! (without the curve class average was 55%) iono wat my raw score is yet cuz he only showed us our curved score. but it is most definitely higher than the average lol. so then i walked over to hutchinson field for IM soccer practice. got there changed into my new cleats and shorts and started kicking the ball around. We started a passing drill which was kind of like monkey in the middle except u stand in a square and the middle for the "monkeys" is the inside of the square. about 5 min into this drill i had to go chase a ball full speed off the grass and onto the pavement. NOT GOOD lemme show u in a wonderful picture format inspired by the esteemed MS Paint artist ms. Kathy Hu (if you would like to see her masterpieces please visit PartlyCloudyForecast)
click on it to see full details haha:
yes so after falling i noticed my hand was bleeding profusely. it was gross. so andy and i ran over to the ARC to wash it off and get some bandaids and shit. when i finally get to the bathroom to clean the wound i start to peel off the already peeled skin that is barely hanging on. as i do this i notice that the skin around the wound is very loose and is being pulled up quite high off my hand. it is at that point that i realized that i had scraped off ALL of my skin down to the fat and muscle LOL. so yah i washed it off and noticed that there was whiteish fat coming out of the wound so andy and i decided we'd go get some hydrogen peroxide and shit to clean it off before heading to the doctor. im sorry to say that i didnt get pictures of the cut while there was fat hanging out (Disclaimer: the pics might be kinda disgusting to some haha but they are at the bottom of this post) (I really did wanna take a picture of it, even though it was hurting like a BEEZY). but i do have some pics from 24 hrs after the stitches. haha. so andy and i head over to the Sutter Davis Hospital which is SUPER NICE and clean and everyone is friendly (i had just been there like a month ago when my dad noticed he got apendicitis when he was up here moving my furniture lol). It was good cuz i was familiar with the place. andy and i joked through the WHOLE registration and pre checkup shizz with the nurses. it was good cuz it distracted me from the pain haha. but yah then i watched the doctor numb it and clean it out with a rough sponge and then put in my stitches. I also got to watch him push the fat back into the wound a few times while putting stitches that was quite interesting haha. overall a painful yet fun experience. EVERYONE at that hospital is SOOO NICE its crazy haha. ok here are the pics from this evening when i was changing the bandages.
Posted by Dhishoom at 6:47 PM 7 comments
i now have a whole in my hand kinda, its gross and cool at the same time. better update with full story later when i can type with both hands. local anesthesia just wore off -__- lol.
until then,
Posted by Dhishoom at 12:42 AM 2 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
doop doop doop do do doop doop doop.... LOLOLOLOL
Posted by Dhishoom at 1:26 AM 3 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
some GOOD and BAD news...aka ":) :/ :( :) :( :) :( :) :( :/ :)" by arjun haha
good news: I did alright on my first midterm. YAY!
semi-bad: I still dont know how i did on my second midterm. -_-
good news: I LIVE BY MYSELF IN MY EMPTY HOUSE DURING THANKSGIVING YEEEEEE!!!(sleepovers everyday anyone? hahahha)
bad news: my parents will be in india looking at houses during thanksgiving =(.
more bad news: they will now be moving earlier during winter break. aka i will def be there ALL of winter break. maybe a DAY or 2 at home -___-.
good news: i get the car here in davis. THATLL MAKE MY LIFE ALOT EASIER haha
bad news: family will be gone sooner =(
good news: the company will pay for me to travel to india 2 times a year yay!
bad news: over the long breaks for the next 3 years i will prbly be in india.
Posted by Dhishoom at 1:40 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
LIFE IS GOOD!!!! <3 <...
In the nightt,
I get a call...
On my bike dont wanna fallll...
its RJ soooo i pick it up,
and say, "What up?"...
and he say, "KANYE DROPPED HEARTLESS!!!"...
ohhhhhhhh he say, "KANYE DROPPED HEARTLESS!!!"
umm...if u just read that in a normal voice please listen to the song playing in the background and sing it to the tune of the chorus and BE AMAZED BY THE AWESOMENESS THAT IS KANYE WEST! KTHX. (pls see THIS by Rj to further clarify the awesomeness of this song)So basically if you have been reading this blog, or my gtalk status, or my facebook status, or talked to me in the last few days u should know that I WANTED THIS SONG SOO BAD. hahaha. especially last night, when i had to listen to 2 hrs of classical music and critique it for my stupid music class. turns out i didnt have to do as much work as i did but my TA is VAGUE AS HELL and i ended up writing 7 pages single spaced -___________-. shoot me. but ya thats my first major college hw assignment completed and out of the way =). i also did VERY well on the listening quiz in that class so i am a happy camper. so yes back to last night. after working on this classical music garbage for about 4 hours i scrawled a note on a blue post-it in 'im dying' handwriting saying, "SAVE MY SOUL. I NEED HIP HOP!" i then proceeded to crawl to andy's room as if i was dying, handed it to him and then proceeded to collapse on his floor in a very dramatic manner. he was like wtf? laughed. and then played the heartless snippet from my previous blog post hahaha. twas epic. haha
yah other than that i have my first two midterms on friday. so majority of tonight (if i ever stop listening to this song haha) and tomorrow will be spent studying for those. but once im done im basically free for at least 3 weeks till my next set on nov 17th. YAY! this round should be pretty easy now that ive seen the practice midterms so im not TOO worried =).
in other news after this weekend the next 2 weekends are gonna be SOOO sick. oct 24th GO HOME! for DIWALI/HOMECOMING DANCE. claresies was kind enough to take me to the dance so she kevin emmy and i can boogie down all night haha. THEN the NEXT weekend is JASON MOTHA EFFIN MRAZ in BERKELEY. planning to go over there on friday night with andy richa and kath and spend the WHOLE weekend there with nat kathy and june and have it culminate in the form of jason mraz. how FRICKEN AWESOME IS THAT. YEE HAW!!!!!!!!
speaking of yee haw! we went to cattleman's for jt's bday on tues lol. twas fun. me gabi tim jasons bro and jt. we all had STEAK and it was tasty and pricey but still fricken tasty. jason then got a free straw cowboy hat cuz it was his bday and he proceeded to act like his awesome self hahaha.
other than that pretty uneventful week so far. cant wait till friday at 3 pm life will be EVEN BETTER then haha.
till i stop being amazed by the creativity of kanye west,
ps i will definitely be blogging WAY before i stop being amazed at the creativity of kanye west so yah. just clearing that up lol
Posted by Dhishoom at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
i like CHINA...
so today my roommates cooked andy and i dinner. Twas HOT POT and TWAS DELICIOUS. thank you hermes for telling me what it is called hahaha. the dipping sauce was FRICKEN good and i had hella chicken dumplings and beef and noodles and big leafy greens dipped in the sauce yay.
now andy and i are gonna cook next weekend. too bad we dont really know how to cook indian food lol. so we may settle for pasta and fish and chicken and shit. WE'LL SEE haha. OOOHHH maybe quesadillas (our style. aka put every ingredient u have in ur quesadilla haha). we'll see.
that is all.
time to listen to more boring medieval chants and shit -_____-.
Posted by Dhishoom at 10:56 PM 1 comments
how could you be so HEARTLESSS???...
Thanks to arjun this weekend got even better than it already was (check the song below haha)
This was one of THE BEST WEEKENDS EVER! =). I had soooo much fun (though I should have been studying =O) but whatever haha. Friday was great, I actually woke up to go to my music class and it was surprisingly not boring. We have now actually started learning about composers and history so its getting interesting. I do have a listening quiz in that class tomorrow where I'm supposed to be able to name the song and composer within 15 seconds of hearing the song (I have only listened to some of the required listening so far, so I have to do alot of listening today -____-). Then andy and I went to comp sci which was garbage again because he is still lecturing about stuff we already know -____-. Then both andy and I skipped our remaining classes because of lectures being about stuff we already know yet again lol. Then finally it was 5 o clock and time for kathy and natalie to show up. YES!!!! Unfortunately the bus to the train station had an odd schedule so me and katherine chin ended up just waiting on campus for hermes natalie and kathy to show up from the train station haha. Then we went over to my house and just basically ate and chilled for a while. Then it was getting kinda dark and cold outside so heremes and katherine were worried about how they would get home at night so I told them to take the bus home and that id bike to campus and they could pick up their bikes and i would bike with them all the way back to my house so that they could leave on their bikes once the bus stopped running. IT WAS SOOO EFFING COLD! HOLY SHIT like CRAZYY cold + WIND CHILL. FUCK THE WIND. It has been like that for 3 days now cold +windy not a good combo. So then varun and his friend nayan ended up joining in on the bike party back to my place so they came along and we just talked about random stuff like governement and policies in india and soo much other stuff it was HECKA random and fun hahaha. My roomie, who is 24, bought us some stuff from safeway lol. that was an interesting experience hahaha. we had an interesting skype session with neri lol. lets just say he wasnt thinking TOO clearly LOL. his costume was awesome hahahahaha. around midnight varun nayan katherine and hermes left to bike their butts home in the freezing weather and then me nat and kathy just chilled and eventually slept at around 2. but not me...-_____-. i had a horrible experience that night lol. i had had some coffee at around 9 and then between 10 and midnight i had 4 or so drinks so i was buzzed and tired. so i tried sleeping at 2 but was still buzzed so i was drifting in and out of sleep. then at 4 i awoke completely sober and WIDE AWAKE, prbly cuz of the coffee lol, and i ended up not sleeping till 6am. then i woke up at 8 50 cuz we were supposed to pick up june from the train station. uhhh yah that failed. we were hecka tired and we called hermes to ask if he could pick her up and luckily he did hahaha. we were then supposed to meet hermes june and kath chin for brunch at 11.
that also failed lol. we ended up getting to campus at around 2pm lol. ate lunch. chilled in hermes' dorm till the HOMECOMING FOOTBALL GAME!!!! which was INSANELY fun minus the freezing weather. WE KICKED BUTT 49-26 I think. first play of the game we got a SACK it was crazy then they couldnt convert in 4 so they were gonna punt AND WE BLOCKED THAT SHIT!!!!! twas GREAT. After the game all of us MVers went to hermes' dorm to chill and we ordered pizza and just ate and talked and had a good ol dandy time haha. then kathy nat june andy tim and i wanted to go to my place but there wasnt enough room in the car so tim and i had to call tipsy taxi LOL. so this bus shows up oustide hermes' dorm and it says tipsy taxi on the side and we find out that we are 2 dollars short in cash so we were like UMMM we'll pay u at the destination so then the driver had to hold my license whil0e i went to get some money from the house haha. the driver assumed we were asking for a ride TO a party lol cuz we were freshman and we were getting a ride off campus. but yah that wasnt true haha. then we just chilled for a quite a while the usual sitting, chatting, guitaring, singing, DANCING. YES DANCING. june's friend who is a junior here at davis is a CRAZYYYYY good popper like INSANELY good. so he demonstrated his skillz and told me and tim that he teaches class for free at the ARC on mondays and thursdays, so i now know what ill be doing on monday and thursday nights haha. he then took us to his friends house which is in the same complex that i live in where they always have really loud parties. in fact andy and i called the cops a couple of weeks ago because their party spilled out into the parking lot which is right outside our window and it was HELLA loud at like 4 30am. well i found out that they are ALL dancers and are all VERY nice hahaha. so yah could be fun. so yah it was kinda very awkward at the party cuz everyone was drinking so we just left and walked the 20 or so feet back to my place and did a bit more chillin haha. then slept. planned on getting up early to go to crepeville before their train. FAIL haha. we ended up waking up at like 10 am (50 min before their train was scheduled to leave). So yah woke up said our goodbyes and now im blogging yay.
nothing much more to say
things to look forward to:
things to not look forward to:
math midterm and comp sci midterm on friday -_______________________-
Posted by Dhishoom at 11:04 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
college is misleading
so far all my classes have been pretty easy. ok VERY easy. I am not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Am i in for a HUGE wake up call come next friday when i have my first midterm in calc and comp sci? or will it still be easy breezy?... I'm not sure what i need to study either, everything so far in math has been SUPER easy and the hw he assigned has been even easier lol. He claims that the midterm will be very similar to the hw so...yah. he better not be a sneaky ass prof and puts random shit that he didnt talk about on the midterm.
My comp sci class is kinda a diff story. our prof is just SUPER unorganized. if we go by the readings he's been assigning the test should be easy. but in lecture he has introduced some topics that shouldnt be introduced till the end of the quarter WTF. ppl have been complaining and he says "i like to introduce the hardest things first but you dont have to worry about them in detail"...so how do we worry about them? just a little bit? wtf? its pretty hard to understand those topics in ANY way unless u study them in detail so really dont know what he's talking about.
kinda worried =/
in other news. i went to my first freshmen seminar lol. i dont remember if i said anything earlier but last week one day before we were supposed to have this class we all got an email saying "im in japan, so there is no class this week" hahaha. twas great but yah i had that class today. it was interesting kinda? the topic is COOL "Nanotechnology For the Built Environment" its all about the pros and cons of nanotech and how its made, really interesting stuff. the problem is that the professor is REALLY awkward and like a total genius and doesnt know how to convey his ideas and thoughts in something that we can understand lol. so yah we'll see how that goes.
still looking forward to this weekend. just got some NEW news from tim saying that there is a party at a club in sac this friday and DJ FELLI FEL is djing. GET BUCK IN HERE. if we can hit that up thatll be SICK. depends if we can find transport for alot of ppl haha. WE'LL SEE. oh yes and to top it all off now that nat kath AND june ARE fsho coming to visit arjun tells me that HE may ALSO come. SWEEET!!!!!
Posted by Dhishoom at 11:17 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
its only monday...
EFF...lol. this week shouldnt really be that bad BUT i really cant wait for this weekend. FOOTBALL GAME + PARTYING + KATH NAT and maybe JUNE visiting =). I also already finished my hw for the week in calc and i actually understood my Comp Sci HW so that is GOOD. i SHOULD get started on my music readings BUT that class is SOOo whack its not even funny. today they sang in class. I didnt sing cuz i didnt go. cuz my TA told us that we are singing ALL lecture and that i really dont have to go to class for a week or so until they stop talking about simple music garabage...
that is all for now.
ps cherbear, for once i do not think that i was a failure on the phone. am i right? hahahaha
Posted by Dhishoom at 6:23 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
the train home sucked. delayed by like an hour and half -_-. i did listen to FREEZE basically ALL day non stop hahaha that was AWESOME...and now im home. everything feels the same. my parents are now acting the same after they bombarded me with questions for the first hour. but i feel like a guest. im sleeping on the floor of my room cuz my dust proof garbage is not on my bed so yah it feels weird. my sister and mom have taken over my desk so im deskless. my closet is empty cept for my dads and sisters extra clothes. ITS WEIRD. i was looking for a bed sheet to put on my mattress pad and i couldnt effing find the light switch. IVE ONLY BEEN GONE FOR 2 WEEKS JEEZ!!!! lol. its ok i love home. i look forward to having quickly's and shit tomorrow hahaha.
also tonight my family finally realized that they are moving to india. so did andy's parents. andy's mom was like so its FINAL and my mom was like yes we will go in january. now that i think about it january is NOT that far away. its gonna be weird. i also found out some saddening news. i may not be home for winter break at all. ill be in india most probably, looking for houses and shit with the fam. DAMN IT. i asked my mom if i can stay here for at least a few days and then go to india for the last 2 weeks of break. i really hope they let me do that. i wanna chill with the homies before i move my shit to another country hahaha.
Posted by Dhishoom at 12:35 AM 2 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
Nothing but more music stuff
Today i did nothing cuz its my empty day. No classes. No discussions. Nothing. I should have filled it with studying and hw BUT I DIDNT YAY. Now I will attempt to cram it all in tomorrow even though i have a full day of classes and then 1 hr after i get out of class i get on the train to go home. wonderful. OH wait ill do some shit on the train. YES.
I do have to miss our first home football game and some good chillin with some new davis homies BUT i get to chill with old homies like vineet and varun (on the train home) and then when i get home with my boy arjun and ryan and paulina and emmy and kevin and clare and katherine who is also going home from here hahaha. i picked a GOOD weekend to go home.
other than that nothing new jason and tim "fit" fong came over lol. jason wanted to record and apologize cover so i helped him record the piano and his vocals then i spent at good 4 hrs editing/arranging/producing the rest of the track hahaha. in between we took an in n out break where we ate our usual double double's, animal fries and tim and jasons double double extra EVERYTHING lol. then we bet tim that he could not eat a "double flying dutchman" which is basically a meat then cheese then meat then cheese then meat then cheese. NOTHING ELSE. just meat and cheese. as we ordered it the lady told us we were weird for wanting a DOUBLE flying dutchman. she actually said "You're weird" lol. twas funny. so tim "fit" fong rebecame tim "fat" fong for at least another day hahaha.
now i really should be sleeping so that i can be productive tomorrow -____-.
Posted by Dhishoom at 2:28 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
1. FREEZE - T-PAIN ft. CHRIS BREEZY (THE NEXT KISS KISS. THIS SHIT IS GONNA BE HOT expected release Oct 14th. Hopefully arjun or i will have it earlier haha)
2. Rumor Control: Swagger Like Us: The R&B Edition??? October 1st, 2008
R&B’s top crooners to show off their “Swagga”???I know you guys aren’t swaggered out just yet, are you? Good, because word on the street, R&B’s top guns are gearing up for the “Swagger Like Us”:R&B Edition. Yup, you heard right, the R&B world wants to show off their swagger as well. Ok ladies, I know your itching to find out who plans to lay their swaggerific vocals over the Kanye production, so here it goes. SLU: The R&B Edition participants include; Chris Brown, Neyo, Usher, and T-Pain. WOW!
Though the track has yet to be complete, one of the SLU R&B participants did state all parties have discussed collaborating on the track, but conflicting schedules have prohibited them from coming together to complete the task.
Could this be one of the dopest R&B collabo’s??? Will it tank if done the wrong way??? Are they leaving anyone out??? Will they ALL us the Auto-Tuner???? I need your thoughts and theories…………NOW, PLEASE!
Low “What if the R&B version was mixed with the sequel….WOW!” Key
3. Jay Z's rumored Blueprint 3 tracklisting?

01. Wake Up New York (Intro)
02. Most Kings
03. Hades (Lucifer Pt. II)
04. Eternal Jewels (ft. Jay Electronica) [prod. by Jay Electronica]
05. Blueprint 3
06. Lucy (ft. Chris Martin)
07. The Audacity of Dope
08. S.L.U. Pt. 2 (ft. Nas, Andre 3000, and Young Jeezy)
09. Election Night (We believe in Obama)
10. Just Memories
11. Apostate (ft. Eminem) [prod. by Eminem]
12. Oasis
13. My Brothers Keeper (ft. Scarface)
14. Brooklyn Lost
15. Weeds & Concrete
16. Without Rain
4. LUDA working on a track in the studio called "Everybody Hates 'Chris" ft. Chris Rock
5. AC's "Love Lockdown"

Download link here:
Love Lockdown (prod. by Astronote)
Posted by Dhishoom at 5:44 PM 0 comments
Procrastination...a man's best friend
I really should start my HW. But I don't want to. None of it is due till Monday, so I have made a conscious decision to procrastinate. YAY!
In other news:
My Music 10 class is a whole bunch of bullshit. SOOOOOOOO BORING. Today we learned about the staff and major and minor scales -_______-. I'm sure its hard for people who don't know music but when I signed up for this class I wanted it to be more music history than music theory. So far its more boring and less learning. MEH.
Last night was my first discussion section of college and it was awesome. It was for Calc 21A and the TA is SICKKK. I think his name is John and lemme tell you it is much easier to learn calc from a guy who doesnt have a THICK japanese accent hahaha. My professor is awesome and funny but its just hard to understand him sometimes lol.
After discussion I went over to Tim's and we just watched some show about a Portugeuse guy who had a giant tumor on his face and they were trying to get it removed but he was a Jehovah's Witness and didn't want to recieve blood during the surgery so they said they'd have to do like 50 small surgeries and then I left....so i dont really know what happened haha. Then went to Hawaiian BBQ with Katherine and then she and I just biked around campus for like an hour and a half twas fun =).
I'm starting to enjoy school more. Met some cool people. late night bball sessions at the ARC and Pavillion are SICK and yah now actually looking forward to this year. =)
Posted by Dhishoom at 10:25 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
*insert thick autotune to ur voice when reading the title*
I LOVE AUTOTUNE. THE MOST FUN THING IN COLLEGE SO FAR. it keeps me not bored at home. i will have another autotune surprise for the homies hopefully today cuz i dont have any class hahaha. its gonna be GOOD =)
Posted by Dhishoom at 12:14 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
College and Knowledge.
Those two words rhyme. And that is prbly the only relationship i can find between those two words since ive been here hahahaha.
today i woke up at 8 30 for my 9 o clock music literature class and so i just put on some clothes and biked out the door to get there on time. I get there and my professor says, "How many of you did the 'homework' that was posted online?" and half the class or so raises their hands. Then she continues to say, "Okay...um....that was meant to be classwork, but if you have done it then you can turn it in and leave."
-____________________________-. I biked my ass 2 miles at 8 40 without taking a shower (which meant my skin wasnt feeling too well) just to find out that i didnt need to be in class LOL. I LOVE COLLEGE. so i came home and pu my pajamas back on and slept till 11 20. now im off to computer science, which hopefully be more worth my time haha.
Posted by Dhishoom at 11:36 AM 0 comments
College parties are so overrated
i fucking am already tired of partying. i only went out 3 times this week. i know that may seem like "wow 3 times, thats alot" specially for some1 like me haha. BUT compared to some ppl that ive met here its nothing. they partied all 7 nights. WTF.
last night i went to a party at SigEp, one of the frats close to cuarto. I went with some ppl i had met at orientation. Once i got in we went straight to the "line" for drinks, more like a mob of crazed teens trying to get free booze. I got myself a drink and made my way to the dance floor. i danced with a couple of girls (THEY SUCKED AT DANCING) and i got quite bored. after 2 more drinks i was not buzzed, not having fun, and NOT happy. I realized how much i missed having close connections with the people i know. Im not against partying or drinking or smoking or anything, but id rather do that with ppl i know well who i can just chill with. I really dont find the thought of going out and getting completely shitfaced and then dancing with random ppl to try and hook up with them very appealing. so after getting completely bored out of my mind at this party i started feeling depressed and decided that i wanted to leave. luckily i met richa and a group of her friends who were pretty chill so i left with them. they really wanted to head over to another party but i really wasnt down with that. so i met up with ishan and darian and went and smoked hookah outside their dorm. after a while richa came by and we all just talked about random stuff and THAT was actually fun. just chillin.
again it really doesnt help that im not living in the dorms but i just dont think i will find anyone who is willing to make a lasting friendship. of course im prbly saying this just cuz im not in a good mood but i really did, and still kind of do, feel that way. Tim, and katherine told me stories today that really didnt boost my confidence in this whole new college friendships deal either. UGH.
so yah after feeling like crap all night last night i got to chill with katherine at lunch and we were just talking and remembering home and then we walked over to richas and just sat around chatting for almost 3 hours. it was nice. afterwards tim came over and he and i biked katherine over to the library then he and i went and played NFL BLITZ at his dorm haha. came home. ate some food. did some hw. and then watched arrested development for pretty much the rest of day.
i was pleasantly interrupted by mama shei on tokbox and she was telling me about how she felt as well and it turns out we were both feeling exactly the same way for the exactly the same reason. so yah. then arjun joined our chat and so did kevin and we had fun making fun of him =P. later p dao and phat nat also joined and we were all acting pretty dumb as we do when we are all around eachother haha. talked to chery, rj, crystal after that which was also fun. I REALLY WANNA VISIT THEM, GOD.
i am going home next weekend to say bye to my grandparents so ill get to chill with some MVers and arjun which will be awesome.
other than that nothing new.
oh no wait went to the womens volleyball game which was epicly fun cept we lost =( even though we won the first to sets UGH. oh well. kinda sad that i may miss the first home football game cuz ill be at home but meh, as michael bluth always says "family first" lol (everyone should watch "arrested development" on hulu.com i JUSt finished all 3 seasons today. now i know why kathy wrote FOX a letter when they cancelled that show hehe).
ps i love all my friends soo much i though about everyone SOO much last night haha. cant wait to see some of you in the next couple of weeks and the rest of you during thanksgiving =)
Posted by Dhishoom at 12:38 AM 4 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
First Real day of class...and musical fun =)
Today was my first day of actual class. here is a rundown of what i think about each of them.
1. Music 10: Introduction to Music Literature.
"There is only one word to describe [this class]: fuckingeasy." -- Arjun RJ Mahesh.
2. Engineering Computer Science 30:
Doesn't look too bad. Prof seems chill (has a super thick asian accent but he is funny). His first name is Shyhtsun and everytime I see his name I wanna yell "SHIT SON!" in a very black voice hahaha. Class shouldn't be too hard considering I have taken 2 years of programming already. YAY!
3. Calculus 21A:
HOLY MOTHER EFF this shit looks hard. I walked in a couple minutes late because the damn lecture hall doesnt have a sign saying its the "SOCIAL SCIENCES" building ANYWHERE. But when I walked in the proffessor was talking about spores and exponential functions. He gets sidetracked very easily so it may not be a good thing for me cuz i rely on the lectures to learn cuz i dont do much studying on my own -____-. UGH. OH WELL we will see what comes out of this one.
In other news, instead of partying it up tonight I decided to stay home and clean up. My parents are cmoing to visit tomorrow cuz they are dropping my grandparents off about 45 minutes from here. SO I have to make the house look good cuz ive been telling my mom all week that everything is neat and clean and all that crap haha. So after doing some minimal clean up I started messing with an AutoTune program that i found online. After recording and rerecording multiple kanye and tpain songs for about 2 hours i decided to sit down and do something productive. SO i decided to make a lollipop acoustic cover haha. But this wasnt an ordinary cover. i decided to make it a tribute to some of my closest friends (rj, kev, cherbear, crystal. we call ourselves the complicated crew cuz of how complicated we always make things haha). So i started writing verses to the tune of lollipop for each person and this ended up taking 4 and a half hours hahaha. Writing, recording, re recording, editing, producing, autotuning. MAN this was hard,BUT INSANELY fun haha. I am VERY happy with the final result. though there are some timing issues here and there but thats what happens when there is no click track and i have to use 2 laptops simultaneously (one for recording and one on SUPER low volume so i can kinda keep my place in the song). Ill try and post it if i can figure out how to get embed a song in this post lol. if u REALLY wanna hear it OR u want a verse done about you let me know =). I HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD and writing these verses about my friends is SOOO FUN!!!!
till next time
Posted by Dhishoom at 12:43 AM 3 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
yay SF
i also love my new layout. =D
that is all.
<3 SF and the bay area
Posted by Dhishoom at 12:15 AM 0 comments
i love the idiot box...
so i basically was bored all day as explained in the previous post. UNTIL 6pm thats when it was time for me to vegetate in front of the TV for 5 hours. IT WAS AWESOME. at 5 45pm i started packing up my crap in my room for my camp-out in front of the TV. yes i did pack stuff up. here is a list of what i took
1. Laptop
2. laptop charger.
3. gatorade.
4. ipod cable
5. ipod
6. phone
7. phone headset.
8. guitar
9. tuner
this was all i needed to be content for the next 5 hours hahaha. so i went downstairs and made myself a chicken curry sandwich <3.>
throughout this football game i constantly IMed, updated my ipod, listened to music, played guitar, talked to andy, and talked to HP tech support YET AGAIN -____-. it was great. multitasking is AWESOME, but only when u can multitask with multiple things that you ENJOY doing (minus talking to HP tech support).
Then at 9pm came the moment i had been waiting for ALL summer. THE OFFICE SEASON PREMIERE. HECK YES. i am sad to say that i will not get to talk my other office homies about the episode in its entireity yet cuz i was on the phone with HP for most of the episode -_-. I did however see the important parts and i will most definitely watch the whole thing tomorrow online =). till then please dont tell me all the jokes hahaha. I WILL BE BACK ON TRACK TOMORROW kthx.
overall despite the boring start i feel that this day was GOOD.
yay for berk kids coming up here in 2 weeks!!!!!! =)))
Posted by Dhishoom at 12:04 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
This made me smile hahaha

I really dont know how i came up with all that crap off the top of my head but i found it funny.
I like talking to da emmerz hehe.
and so passes another day with no classes lol. in fact i was sooo bored today just sitting at home. that i did ALL my laundry, cleaned my bathroom, talked to HP support and Circuit City 6 times in order to get a new laptop cuz Vista 64-bit is not compatible with my music software lol, AND i did some of my calc hw that i found online even though i havent had class yet LOLOL win...
I also had a nice vid chat with cherbear and mamashei that was fun even though we didnt say much lolol. I WANNA GO VISIT THEM. thats all for now. looking forward to the USC game in an hour and then THE OFFICE. HECK YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
im planning to tokbox/skype the office lovers during the premier so BE PREPARED. muahaha
till after tonights TV goodness.
Posted by Dhishoom at 5:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
today was interesting. basically spent the whole day at home. met the new roomie, jason from hong kong. seems nice, though he doesnt speak much english. I realized that i need to fix my sleeping schedule. i had gone to sleep last night pretty early planning on getting up at 9 30am. at 9 30 am my alarm went off and i promptly turned it off and went back to sleep only to be awoken by my phone ringing. it was the mother. wonderful. i woke up and attempted to sound like i had been awake for a while haha. then i just chilled at home some more. oh yes the downstairs tv is now connected just in time for the USC game on thurs and THE OFFICE YESSSsss.
today i realized that i have spent alot of money and that the real world is DAMN EXPENSIVE ugh. i need to start budgeting right away.
so at around 9pm i biked over to jasons and we decided we wanted to hit up some parties. this was pretty fail until about 11pm. we found vineet ishan and darian and friends along the way. looking for a party after 11 is SOOO hard. every party we heard was poppin we'd get to and they were either shut down right before we got there or were in the process of getting rolled lol. so our luck was pretty bad. FINALLY we found a house party and were able to get in. got a bit buzzed. on the way out from that party i pretended i was drunk and yall should have seen tims face twas HECKA funny. i love tim. haha
other first time i had drank in a WHILE. like more than 9 months. wasnt too bad. i was able to bike my butt the 2 miles home without a hitch. partying is cool and all but not that fun. i did meet some cool sober ppl at these parties though which was surprising YAY. and yay for self control and knowing that i needed to bike home and not bingeing cuz im not stupid
Posted by Dhishoom at 2:18 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
i feel an empty sort of feeling in all of the new "friendships" i have made so far. i havent met anyone yet who i feel that i will be able to become very good friends with. hopefully ill meet some1 i can relate too well in the near future. as cherbear so eloquently put it "IM TIRED OF BEING FAKE". yes that is how i feel as well. i feel a fake sort of friendship with the new ppl that i meet...
so today after failing to go the gym. i finally got my butt out of the house with andy at like 12 30. we went to walmart with katherine and bought some neccesary shit for our aparemtment. i spent 97 dollars NOT COOL. didnt know how expensive house crap really is. but it was all neccessary freals. shower curtain, shampoo, conditioner, bike tool, bike light etc.
afterwards we stopped at sonic. and for the first time in my life i had one of their famous blasts. in fact this was my first trip to sonic ever. it was decent slight over priced but whatever.
when we arrived home i was listening to music with katherine and decided to pull my guitar out. in the middle of playing live high i hit a chord by mistake but it turned out to be a chord from "keep ya head up" by tyga. WHICH IS AN AMAZING SONG btw. so i then had her sit and listen to the song with me for about 45 min till i was able to figure out the whole thing haha. poor katherine. then she and i took a bus back onto campus and then walked to her dorm where i met up with jt tim and hermes (yes us mv'ers are very good at branching out =P). we sat around for a while then decided to walk over to pick up our textbooks. we arrived late and i couldnt get them...fail. haha. so then jason decided that he wanted to get his bike from his brothers house which happens to be 2 miles away and right next door to my apartment complex lol. so he and i took the bus there and then biked our asses back onto campus. -___-.
we then came onto campus and watched some of the football game with some of katherines floor mates and richa for a bit =). here is where i felt fake yet again. i did meet some1 who seemed very nice and genuine. frank, i believe, he is from the bay area as well. he invited us to a christian fellowship bbq tomorrow hopefully i can spend more time with him haha.
after an uneventful dinner in the DC (which was my first DC meal since orientation) we walked over to the fall welcome rally. after watching the Davis Aggie marching BAND-UH! (yes they are called the BAND-UH! dont ask why cuz i dont know) i felt sad cuz it reminded me of MV marching band and all the good times i had during freshmen year. but after realizing that there was a bunch of free stuff being given away my mood brightened up haha. so after yelling "FREE STUFF" and "GIMME THAT" for a while tim jason and i left (oh yes jt made a very impressive randy moss style frisbee catch which was thrown into the crowd haha). we decided to bike over to in n out which is 3 blocks from my apartment. on the way due to a misunderstanding we attempted to take a shortcut which jasons bro had told us about. thus began our bike adventure lol.
so we start biking towards the freeway and some how end up going over a small wooden bridge over a pond/creek thing that smelled like crap and had ducks in it. we ended up at the mondavi center which is WAY far away from where we needed to be and we had to back track ALL the way back to the MU to get to downtown davis lol. so a 15 min bike trip turned into nearly an hour. it was fun though. weather was nice and tim jason and i threw loving insults at eachothers stupidity for most of the way haha.
arriving at in n out we just sat and ate. discussing whether or not we wanted to party tonight. i definitely didnt. after my horrendous sleep last night. so i decided to come home.
came home to an empty house. and sat at the comp. skyped chery (who i miss SOOO MUCH) talked with my brother rj haha. edited live your life for his prayer next week or something. played "keep ya head up" on the guitar for a while. and now i have decided to sleep. i have lots of crap to do tomorrow. ugh.
ps SHOUT OUT TO KATHY HU WHO USED HER PERFECT PITCH to help me with the chords for keep ya head up via email and youtube haha. love ya. COME VISIT ME SOON kthx
pps looking forward to davis block party tomorrow then going to some frat parties lol.
Posted by Dhishoom at 1:04 AM 1 comments